Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane

A resident from Austin, Texas – Carlie Henry, brought dozens of animals of different colors and sizes to her house for a month to protect them from the stormy weather.

Carlie felt like she was enough prepared for a natural disaster. She stocked up on provisions, bought air heaters for the home and animal enclosures. But when the hurricane struck, the electricity didn’t work the houses.

Without humans, all the animals would die. So Carlie began to bring in the reptiles and other animals one by one, for whom the frost was especially dangerous.

Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane

What was the cost of moving three giant turtles – Yoda, Tortellini and Yoshi! Each of them weighs from 30 to 60 kilograms, so they had to be literally dragged along the ground.

However, under the influence of adrenaline, Carlie somehow managed to carry two of them into the house herself, pretty much surprising everyone present with this.

Only when all the creatures that could be seriously affected by the storm were under the roof of her house, Carlie was able to breathe easy. Her small dwelling has become a refuge for dogs, giant turtles, a goatling, a young lamb, etc.

Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane

Surprisingly, as if feeling the danger that awaits them outside the walls of the temporary place, all living beings rallied under the same roof and behaved very peacefully.

They warmed themselves by the fireplace in the dining room, literally crawling on top of each other, and didn’t even think of quarreling.

Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane

Neighbors, realizing how difficult it is for Carlie, brought animal food and tried to help there in the ”shelter.” The hurricane did not subside for many days. The electricity went out every now and then, so sometimes the fireplace became the only source of light and heat.

When the temperature outside raised to 20 degrees, Carlie released the animals back to nature. Thank you, dear Carly.

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Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane
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