Probably, each cat has its own individual trait, something unusual that distinguishes it from others. The fur handsome Freddie has a habit of playing with hats. Or some other headdress, the main thing is to wear it directly on the owner.
And how can you refuse such a charming thing?
When Freddie was about five months old, he once went down the stairs, under which there was a sofa where his owner, Celli Tunez, sat.
The kitten stuck his head between the railing and leaned on her, and then climbed further with interest and climbed completely onto her head. Once or twice, he settled down, so cozy and comfortable that he immediately realized – that’s what he lacked in life!
Now the grown Freddy requires the ritual to be performed at least once a day. Often he does nothing, just sits, leaning over, and resting. When 10 minutes, then 20, as lucky.
As a result, gravity takes its toll and the relaxed cat carcass slides down, where Freddie wraps around his neck in the manner of a collar and sleeps peacefully on. Well settled!
Chelly and her husband do not mind – their cat is very soft, warm and charming. Just look at this miracle!