Dog from the shelter wanted so badly to find an owner that he held out his paw to everyone who stopped at its cage

Animal shelters are so essential places. However, it often happens that pets are kept there far from the best conditions and do not know the manifestations of affection and love.

But this is exactly what we need so badly!

Many animals have resigned themselves to their position and silently await the decision of their fate. And there are those that do everything possible to attract the attention of people and do not sit idly by.

Dog from the shelter wanted so badly to find an owner that he held out his paw to everyone who stopped at its cage

Thus, they increase their chances of finding a new owner and a long-awaited home.

Such a “fighter” is a dog named Ray. He lived in the shelter for about a year and during this time he held out his paw to each visitor. Ray was here for a sad reason.

Dog from the shelter wanted so badly to find an owner that he held out his paw to everyone who stopped at its cage

His former owner mistreated him, often starved him, and later threw him out into the street.

Despite this, the dog has not lost faith in people. Fate rewarded Ray in full. Jerome once passed by his cage.

Dog from the shelter wanted so badly to find an owner that he held out his paw to everyone who stopped at its cage

As soon as the dog extended his paw, Jerome immediately realized that he had found exactly the dog he was looking for. Now they have become true friends, and the dog has found a family where he is loved and appreciated.

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Dog from the shelter wanted so badly to find an owner that he held out his paw to everyone who stopped at its cage
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