Woman didn’t want to adopt a cat but after meeting Belarus, her heart melted

The owner of the cat named Belarus forbade keeping animals in the apartment. Then the woman made a difficult decision.

This cat was transferred to the shelter with the hope that here he would definitely find a good family and a warm home.

This is a particularly affectionate animal, he desperately needed love and affection, demanded attention from everyone who came to the shelter.

Woman didn't want to adopt a cat but after meeting Belarus, her heart melted

Seeing the next visitor, the cat stood up on his hind legs and looked into their eyes with prayer again and again. As soon as they left, the cat curled up and froze in anticipation of the next guests.

When Rachel from San Francisco, scrolling through her Instagram feed, came across an ad for this gray cat, she immediately went to meet him.

Woman didn't want to adopt a cat but after meeting Belarus, her heart melted

She later admitted that she never thought about cats, but Belarus became her love at first sight.

He clung to her, and she realized that she was obliged to “adopt” this gentle creature.

Woman didn't want to adopt a cat but after meeting Belarus, her heart melted

The girl laughs: “He follows me everywhere: to the bedroom, to the bathroom. For me, there is no more personal life!”. If she takes a shower, the cat sits by the door and waits for the owner to finish the “water torture” to make sure she’s okay.

Belarus every day meets the owner from work and shows all his readiness to have a snack, play and be squeezed and kissed from ears to fluffy paws.

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Comments: 3
  1. Lois

    A match meant to be. Good!

  2. Kathy Trombini

    AWWW. Wonderful.

  3. Lynda Careway

    They do have a way of adopting us. I wouldnt worry about him checking you in the shower. I have five babies that check on me everytime I take one then jump in afterwards to see if I had left anything.

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Woman didn’t want to adopt a cat but after meeting Belarus, her heart melted
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