Trio friendship between identical black spotted horse pony and dog show the world strong bond among different animal species

Nowadays we hear of many unusual friendships between different animal species. It may sound unbelievable, but these buddies can actually get along with each other.

In this story, we present you with a unique friendship between not two, but attention, three species! The trio of a horse, pony and dog may seem odd but what unites them is the identical black-spotted fur.

Trio friendship between identical black spotted horse pony and dog show the world strong bond among different animal species

Meet Nevada (the horse), Napoleon (the pony) and Jack Sparrow (the Dalmatian dog).

The friendship of the three amazing animals inspires many people. Trio loves to spend time together, and running is what they like to do together the most!

Trio friendship between identical black spotted horse pony and dog show the world strong bond among different animal species

Greetje Arends-Hakvoort from the Netherlands is a horse trainer and she loves to take care of these animals. She also has a daughter – Jolie, who also joins the training.

Besides sports training, Greetje and Jolie go on adventures with their friends. Nevada and Napoleon are such a perfect team with them! And Jack Sparrow also never misses the adventures!

Trio friendship between identical black spotted horse pony and dog show the world strong bond among different animal species

Since childhood, Greetje has dreamed of a Dalmatian dog and has adored black spotted horses. Her wish came true, and now she also takes care of a cute pony!

Here things get even further! Now the woman trains three other identical horses and hopes their club will extend soon!

Trio friendship between identical black spotted horse pony and dog show the world strong bond among different animal species

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Trio friendship between identical black spotted horse pony and dog show the world strong bond among different animal species
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