Tiny cheetah makes attempts to help his mom in hunting and chasing jackals away

A family of cheetahs lives in the Serengeti Park: a mother named Aisha and several of her babies. Their life is a great illustration of the relationship of various fauna in the world of wildlife, and BBC operators are filming an entire series about these animals.

Recently, they showed how a young cheetah Duma, while learning to hunt, frightened off prey. However, any lesson is good for him: next time he is unlikely to make such a mistake.

Tiny cheetah makes attempts to help his mom in hunting and chasing jackals away

Apparently, Duma is the most active kitten among the current cubs of Aisha, and he is constantly at the center of events. In the new video, it was he who rushed to the aid of his mother in order to scare away the jackals from fresh prey.

Aisha got an antelope and brought it to her babies. The jackals began to pull themselves up to the smell of fresh blood, and the female interrupted her meal to scare off the thieves.

Tiny cheetah makes attempts to help his mom in hunting and chasing jackals away

The other kittens continued to enjoy their food, and only Duma, with all his childish awkwardness, began to copy the mother’s behavior.

While he chased his enemies, his sisters calmly satisfied their hunger. However, in the end, the little defender was not left without a well-deserved piece of meat. The ability of cheetahs to fend for their prey is an important skill.

Tiny cheetah makes attempts to help his mom in hunting and chasing jackals away

Most often, sprinters, exhausted after an energetic chase, are too tired and unable to repulse their enemies, who are looking for someone else’s victim.

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Tiny cheetah makes attempts to help his mom in hunting and chasing jackals away
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