It’s not a surprise that bears love fishing. It’s a very favorite activity for them because, at the end of it, they enjoy fish food. But sharing a boat with a human being and go fishing with her as people do, is something out of understanding.
Meet Veronika and her bear friend Archie who spend their free time fishing on a lake in Novosibirsk, Russia.
It’s been two years now that these two are best friends. Archie is a rescued bear. He lived his whole life in a safari park, so it was impossible for the bear to adapt to the wild.
Veronika decided to take care of the big friend. She never regrets her kind step to becoming a caretaker of the brown bear.
This is one of the most beautiful friendships existing on the planet. The woman is happy to be able to give the bear some freedom out of the safari park.
Recently, they were caught on the same lake. The photos let us imagine something fantastic. It’s like they are the central heroes of a fairytale.
Archie loves water. He also loves discovering new places with his human friend. Veronika never treats him like an animal. She always shares her food and place with the giant animal!