Stray cat trusted the woman and from an angry creature turned into a fluffy pet

After moving to a new house, Stephanie Perfect noticed a wary cat peeking out of trees that grew on the other side of the street.

It happened six years ago. But at that time, the woman did not even know about a strong change in her own life.

The cat, obviously in search of food, was constantly nearby. He did not remain hungry. Local residents fed the cat. Stephanie didn’t stand aside, giving the cat something to eat. The fluffy animal began to visit her house more and more often.

Stray cat trusted the woman and from an angry creature turned into a fluffy pet

At first, he was afraid of the presence of the woman and only ate when she left. The cat ate food quickly and greedily, and then immediately ran away. This went on for more than six months.

But all the same, “the ice was broken”, and the fluffy creature sometimes began to roll. He lay relaxed and surveyed the surroundings.

Stray cat trusted the woman and from an angry creature turned into a fluffy pet

After such a life, which lasted a whole year, the animal learned the feeding schedule and at the right time began to approach the door at the entrance.

The day came when Stephanie saw a furry friend that was looking at her, right on the porch. The woman, with difficulty suppressing her excitement, moved slowly, without uttering a single sound, so that her guest would not be frightened.

Stray cat trusted the woman and from an angry creature turned into a fluffy pet

She quietly bent down and gently stroked her head, and then the ears of the cat, which, turning over on its back, made it possible to scratch its belly. So Stephanie had Buddy.

After establishing a trusting relationship, the woman took the cat to the veterinarian for a complete examination.

Stray cat trusted the woman and from an angry creature turned into a fluffy pet

Buddy was diagnosed with the immunodeficiency virus. In order for cats with this disease to live for a long time, you need to take good care of them.

Buddy and Stephanie have been together for six years now. The woman is very happy with her furry friend. He fills her soul with joy. She believes that she is very lucky to become the confidant of such a wonderful cat.

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Stray cat trusted the woman and from an angry creature turned into a fluffy pet
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