Sheep from the UK is sure that she is a dog. Trying to convince her, she can bark and bite

Born to say “baa” can’t call “woof-woof” instead? Born as a sheep and looking like a lamb, Chopsy, a one-year-old sheep from the British city of Bampton, has turned into a real dog.

As soon as the sheep got into the dog company, she instantly realized that she likes to run in the field and bark at other dogs, and spending the whole night next to the sheep is clearly not her preference.

Sheep from the UK is sure that she is a dog. Trying to convince her, she can bark and bite

The owner of the newly-minted sheep terrier simply shrugs her shoulders – what can you do?

Because of living in a company of dogs, Chopsy was so delighted by their way of life that now there is no going back.

Her owner, 28-year-old dog trainer Siobhan Chirrell O’Kelly, bought Chopsy a year ago as a lamb.

Sheep from the UK is sure that she is a dog. Trying to convince her, she can bark and bite

She needed it for her job – she is a trainer, and with the help of Chopsy, the woman planned to train clients’ dogs in order not to attack sheep. But something went wrong here.

Chopsy is absolutely confident in her life choices and goes “woof-woof” instead of “baa”.

Sheep from the UK is sure that she is a dog. Trying to convince her, she can bark and bite

I wonder if horses and ponies also consider themselves dogs? Anyway, this ”gang” of cool buddies is incredibly adorable.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Sheep from the UK is sure that she is a dog. Trying to convince her, she can bark and bite
Rescued doggo with his little “backup dancer” made the cutest performance: they are so lovely to watch