Many animals in India are in danger due to the threat of logging. Animals keep on fighting for their lives every day. Fortunately, different organizations do hard work to keep these creatures safe and stop the fight between humans and animals.
The Wildlife SOS organization reunited hundreds of lost babies with their families over the past years.
Recently, this group helped three cubs to reunite with their mom.
As the organization said, three leopard cubs have been found by a group of farmers.
The poor animals were crying for their mom in a sugarcane field.
Since their mom didn’t appear, people took the animal to a leopard rescue center. After the examination, the vet said they are all healthy which meant they haven’t been alone for a long time.
Then, as they were found to be healthy after the medical examination, now they could reunite with their mom. The employees of the clinic put them into a basket and brought them back to the same place.
The team was watching over the babies until their mother would appear.
A few hours later mother leopard came and started to make slow steps towards the basket. Actually, she recognized their scent from a distance and continued looking for them. Now she dragged the basket and took out the tiny babies.
What a kind story of a leopard family!