How a puppy named Chief mastered the profession of a therapy dog

A dog in the form of a small fluffy cloud, named Chief, has been mastering the profession of a therapy dog ​​from birth. Even his image works for the profession – a fluffy ball on legs!

The main thing in him is not the appearance – although it is difficult to believe in it at the sight of such a cutie.

How a puppy named Chief mastered the profession of a therapy dog

And it was like this: at the age of 8 weeks of age, he fell into the family of a woman named Sarah Hamilton, where he became distinguished by his intelligence and quick wit.

At least in the very first hours, he learned where his bowl, bed and toilet are.

How a puppy named Chief mastered the profession of a therapy dog

Moreover, he chose the place for the bed at a strategically important point – at the front door. Chief does not resemble an ordinary puppy: he does not gnaw furniture and shoes, and he is not naughty at all.

As part of his future profession, Chief already now recognizes people who need help, and boldly goes into their arms.

How a puppy named Chief mastered the profession of a therapy dog

And no one refuses such a cute fluffy ball. Sarah Hamilton has a lot of experience in teaching such therapy dogs, so Chief she trains will grasp everything on the fly.

Soon the little tailed will pass his first exam and start his work in the hospital.

His future contingent is children and sick old people, and he can’t wait for the moment when he will be able to please and heal the sick.

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How a puppy named Chief mastered the profession of a therapy dog
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