Wild animals are thought to be primitive creatures by many. And what else do they need for life: sleep, eat and breed?
But, in fact, nature is a wonderful thing, and the laws by which animals survive, often are similar to humans.
Mammals can feel, love, bond. Sometimes animals display the kind of quality that many humans need to learn about. We have prepared a story for you from an African savannah, where a lion helps his friend stay alive.
A lion, nicknamed Red, was surrounded by about 20 hyenas, that started to attack him.
The king of beasts could not fight them off, since they were numbered more. The teeth of a hyena are very sharp and strong.
The noise of the flow was heard by the lion Taty, resting near. Not being afraid of the aggressive hyenas, he ran to help his friend.
With his roar, he broke half of the flock. Then Taty and Red chased all the hyenas.
How good is it when friends come to help? Some people may cry involuntarily.
By the way, this is not the only incident when animals come to help each other.
In conclusion, let us note that animals are not as ”basic” as some think. Many of us would not feel bad about it, what would you say? If this pooled you, share it with your friends!