Freddy – officially the largest dog in the world that is taller than his lovely owner

When we think of huge dogs, Great Danes immediately come to mind. Representatives of this breed have really incredible sizes.

Freddy is the largest Great Dane in the world. He lives in Essex, England. Its size is simply fantastic: Freddy’s height is 2.28 m! This is the tallest dog in the world.

Freddy - officially the largest dog in the world that is taller than his lovely owner

When Claire brought Freddy home, she knew that he would grow up big, because he is a dog. But she could not even think that soon he would grow up so that he would become the largest in the world.

If Freddy stands on his hind legs, he will be 61 centimeters taller than his owner. The dog weighs more than 90 kg.

Last year, he was officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s largest dog.

Freddy - officially the largest dog in the world that is taller than his lovely owner

While many are put off by the dog’s sheer size, Claire says she loves her pet very much.

Freddy lives with Claire, her children and his sister, Fluer the dog.

Freddy and Fluer eat an unimaginable amount of food. According to Claire, their favorite treats are fried chicken and also peanut butter on toast.

Freddy - officially the largest dog in the world that is taller than his lovely owner

The grocery bills alone for each dog are over $15,000 a year. You can also add destroyed furniture and other broken household items.

“I would come home and find a sea of ​​foam on the floor. But I love him and I can’t imagine my life without him,” Claire said.

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Freddy – officially the largest dog in the world that is taller than his lovely owner
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