Fat Xiang is a ginger cat that has managed to charm the entire Internet

This cat was able to become a celebrity without any effort. This cat has a non-standard outlook on life, which is to sleep 16 hours a day.

At the same time, the subscribers of the animal look at this and rejoice. However, it is worth learning more about this cat.

Fat Xiang is a ginger cat that has managed to charm the entire Internet

The fact is that he was picked up on the street 4 years ago when he was badly injured in a fight with other cats.

This cat is so clumsy that he had little chance of winning. This breed is called the Munchkin. And it has very short legs. That is, in fact, this cat is not fat at all, but it seems so simple because of its ‘constitution.’

Fat Xiang is a ginger cat that has managed to charm the entire Internet

Xiang is well aware of his problems, but now he lives at home and does not need to take risks. After active walks, the cat just sleeps and makes others happy.

While sleeping with a cat, you can do whatever you want. The owner even manages to trim his claws.

Fat Xiang is a ginger cat that has managed to charm the entire Internet

This cat managed to become the subject of interest of the online audience without making any effort. Look at how funny a pose he has while sleeping. The short-legged miracle cat is absolutely mood.

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Fat Xiang is a ginger cat that has managed to charm the entire Internet
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