Exceptional woodland bird with multi-colored plumage of orange, olive green, black and yellow

Sometimes I wonder how nature used multi-colors on some animals and birds at once without making them look vulgar. It is obvious that nature has good and brave taste.

The plumage of this bird has so many colors on it. At the same time, it’s bright and pleasant. Their unique colorful coat is what people remember about them.

Exceptional woodland bird with multi-colored plumage of orange, olive green, black and yellow

It’s really hard to keep your eyes off these creatures. They are incredibly beautiful, and anyone will fall in love with them.

It’s the gorgeous bushshrike. This amazing bird has a red throat, black chest band, a yellow belly. Its wings and back are in olive green.

Exceptional woodland bird with multi-colored plumage of orange, olive green, black and yellow

Females look similar to males with one difference – their chest band is narrower. Young bushshrikes have green coats and yellow throats. When they grow up, they gain the gorgeous red color.

These birds live in the tropical woods of Africa. It’s so important that they have a stable population.

Exceptional woodland bird with multi-colored plumage of orange, olive green, black and yellow

They eat insects and other small creatures. In the breeding time, females build nests. They incubate 4 eggs and take care of the baby birds until they are fully fledged. Both of the parents are involved in parenting.

Exceptional woodland bird with multi-colored plumage of orange, olive green, black and yellow

How good is it that humans didn’t intervene in their population! We are happy to know that for now there is no need to worry about the number of these most colorful birds!

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Exceptional woodland bird with multi-colored plumage of orange, olive green, black and yellow
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