An elderly widow, Angie Tyma, was faced with the devastating reality of homelessness after being evicted from her long-time residence of over 30 years in Hudson, Florida.
Tyma had been living in the home with her husband until his passing, and then continued to live there by paying rent to a new owner.
Unfortunately, the property was later sold to an investment company due to the previous owner’s inability to pay the mortgage, and Tyma was given notice to vacate.
Despite the warning, she never imagined that she would be forced out of her home.
The situation was made even more difficult for Tyma, as she had scattered her late husband’s ashes in the backyard and had buried her three pets there as well.
Tyma found herself living in a hotel for three weeks, feeling heartbroken and displaced.
But her neighbors weren’t going to let her be without a home.
When they noticed Tyma’s personal items being taken out of her house, they rallied to help her.
One of her neighbors, Danielle Calder, went above and beyond and bought the house back for $167,500 from the investment company.
Calder, who already owned a home, had no need for another one, but felt compelled to help Tyma and wanted her to be able to return to the home and community she loved.
On Tyma’s 89th birthday, Calder surprised her by giving her the keys to her newly acquired house.
Tyma was overjoyed and moved back into her home, paying rent to Calder to assist with expenses.
Through the collective effort of her compassionate community, Tyma was able to regain her home and a sense of security.