Dream big: the story of a husky that turned out to be a malamute

Beware of your desires – they tend to come true. The hero of our story was convinced of the veracity of this phrase by Bulgakov from his own experience. The man from childhood dreamed of a dog.

But always something did not work out and plans to acquire a four-legged friend had to be postponed. Therefore, when a friend had a husky, he decided not to put it off anymore and get a pet.

Dream big: the story of a husky that turned out to be a malamute

The puppy’s name is Jim. The newly minted owner was a little embarrassed that with age the dog would become much larger. However, all the same acquaintances reassured him that the puppy’s parents were not purebred representatives of the breed, which means that he would not grow especially strong.

From the first days in the new house, Jim was very active and began to grow actively. To the surprised remarks of his friends, the owner only brushed aside, attributing everything to the pet’s brutal appetite.

Dream big: the story of a husky that turned out to be a malamute

Everything changed about a year later when the man at work had to go on a long business trip. He could not take Jim with him, so he asked his relatives to look after the dog.

What was the surprise of the man when, instead of a small awkward puppy, he was met by a huge fluffy beast almost as tall as himself? Thinking that the animal was simply fed, the owner turned to the veterinarian for advice.

Dream big: the story of a husky that turned out to be a malamute

He quickly removed all suspicions from his relatives. The puppy was absolutely healthy, it just turned out not to be a purebred husky, but a cross between a Malamute. And for this breed, large growth is the norm.

This is how a small childhood dream turned into big, fluffy happiness!

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Dream big: the story of a husky that turned out to be a malamute
The sweetest surprise: doctors told the mom could never bear a baby, but this healthy sweetheart is the proof