This octogenarian woman decided to participate in a type of sporting event called obstacle course

This octogenarian woman, from Sikeston, Missouri, in the United States, decided to participate in a type of sporting event called obstacle course racing.

Mildred Wilson’s son asked his mother to enter a competition called Tough Mudder.

It is a sporting event to navigate several obstacles, such as mud paths, a pool filled with ice, climbing a rope suspended above the water and a ladder more than 15 feet high with d huge holes.

This octogenarian woman decided to participate in a type of sporting event called obstacle course

She started training in 2019 and already. Her husband Farrell always supported her, but after the first competition he left this world.

At the age of 82, accompanied by her son, the woman has already participated in two competitions, overcoming several obstacles and proving that she is a woman of firm will.

She dedicated her second race to her beloved husband and was able to achieve victory.

This octogenarian woman decided to participate in a type of sporting event called obstacle course

“I loved this race from the first time. And when my son invited me to take part for the second time, I immediately accepted.

At first I was a little nervous, but as soon as I understood how to do it, going over the obstacles even became enjoyable.

It was very nice to run next to my son,” the 82-year-old told social media.

This octogenarian woman decided to participate in a type of sporting event called obstacle course

Seeing Mildred Wilson’s photos on social media, people became excited and applauded her a lot.

Wilson’s story has greatly inspired other older women. Ms. Wilson hopes to participate in her third competition next year.

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This octogenarian woman decided to participate in a type of sporting event called obstacle course
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