The children of Britney Spears turned their backs on her and stopped responding to her messages

The recent news surrounding Britney Spears has left her fans saddened as the pop star finds herself navigating a difficult period in her life.

Rumors of an impending divorce from Sam Asghari, combined with reports that her own children have distanced themselves from her, have further added to the concerns for Spears’ well-being.

News has emerged that Britney’s sons, Jayden and Sean Preston, have not been in contact with her for nearly a year.

The children of Britney Spears turned their backs on her and stopped responding to her messages

This revelation was brought to light by TMZ producer Katie Hayes in her documentary “Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom.”

It was disclosed that the singer’s children stopped responding to her messages last summer, and Britney last saw them in early 2022, prior to her wedding to Asghari.

Furthermore, Jayden publicly criticized his mother’s parenting skills in August of the previous year, exacerbating the strained relationship.

Britney’s ex-husband, Kevin Federline, who is the father of her children, has also expressed disapproval of the pop star’s behavior.

The children of Britney Spears turned their backs on her and stopped responding to her messages

In a recent interview, Federline voiced concerns about the impact of Britney’s social media presence on their sons’ well-being.

He even shared a video without Britney’s permission, highlighting a contentious moment between her and the children.

Alongside these troubles, fans are worried about the state of Britney’s marriage.

Reports suggest that she and Sam Asghari have been spending less time together, leading to frequent arguments whenever they are in each other’s company.

Britney Spears’ fans are deeply saddened by the current challenges she faces in her personal life.

The children of Britney Spears turned their backs on her and stopped responding to her messages

The estrangement of her children, combined with marital issues, has left supporters anxiously following the developments in the singer’s life.

As the public watches on, it is hoped that Britney will find the support and stability she needs to overcome these obstacles and regain a sense of happiness and well-being.

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The children of Britney Spears turned their backs on her and stopped responding to her messages
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