“My husband couldn’t wait for the birth of our son, but when we saw him for the first time, I was worried.
The worst thing is to be accused of infidelity without any apparent reason. Fortunately, my husband is rational and doesn’t behave that way.
I met Sergei for the first time 17 years ago. We were together for two years before deciding to legalize our relationship.
We didn’t push away the idea of having a child; that’s why our daughter was born a year later. We were a young family with just one child; we didn’t intend to have another.
Since our marriage has always been peaceful, I consider myself a happy wife and an adequate mother. Katya, our daughter, is now 14 years old.
We started thinking about having another child when Katya was three years old. A few months later, I became pregnant.
We hoped for a boy and were so happy when our dream came true. ‘I’m going to have an heir,’ my husband kept repeating.
How can one be unhappy after hearing such words? He didn’t let me do anything during my pregnancy, unlike the first time.
Sergei took care of everything else while I prepared and took care of myself. My husband accompanied me to the hospital as the days of delivery approached.
The labor was long and tiring, but the most important thing was that our little baby was born healthy.
My emotions were mixed when I saw him for the first time. I was happy, but I was also worried because our son had red hair.
My husband has light brown hair, and I have dark brown hair. I was afraid that Sergei would accuse me of betrayal and demand a paternity test.
In simple terms, I was terrified at the thought of the father meeting his son.
‘Listen, darling, our baby is here, but before saying anything, let me explain everything to you.’ ‘Everything is fine with the baby; it’s just that he has red hair,’ I worried.
‘Oh no, he got it from my aunt. Anyway, it suits him well,’ Sergei replied cheerfully, glancing at the child.
I heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed. Sergei laughed at my terror, saying he would never accuse me of infidelity for a single moment.”