Experts answer the question whether or not peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment

Everyone knows that throwing waste on the beach or polluting the mother’s waters with chemicals and plastic objects is dangerous for the sea and for nature in general.

It is true that sometimes people pee at sea, because getting out of the water and going to find a toilet is not always easy.

And the question whether peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment interests many people. Experts answer the question whether or not peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment

Experts answer the question whether or not peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment

But it should be noted that urinating while swimming in the sea is not at all polluting.

The American Chemical Society states that urine is completely harmless because it is composed of sodium, water and chlorine and does not contain substances harmful to the aquatic ecosystem.

They even state that one of the substances in urine, urea, mixing with salt water, is even favorable for the absorption of microorganisms, algae and plants.

Experts answer the question whether or not peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment

Experts answer the question whether or not peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment

In a few words, urinating at sea is almost a positive thing for sea dwellers. So, we can still ask if urinating in the swimming pool is the same thing.

What it is about the swimming pool is not the same thing. As pool water is regularly recycled, urea can be mixed with chlorine and create chloramine.

This compound can trigger skin irritations. Experts answer the question whether or not peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment. So, we learned that peeing in the sea is definitely not harmful.

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Experts answer the question whether or not peeing at sea is dangerous for the marine environment
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