The woman went to look for firewood, but she found something valuable. Sometimes hardworking people are rewarded with fortune.
There was a woman from the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh called Jina Bai who earned her living by searching for bundles of wood in the nearby forest.
Jina wanted to repair her house and she had to go there every day. One day the woman got up early, ate something and hurried towards the woods.
But she turned around after a short time without firewood.
Instead of the fagots, she recovered a transparent stone, of great shine, which she had found on the path, leading towards the forest.
Jina was very surprised and when she came home, she showed her husband her find. But the couple couldn’t identify the jewelry themselves, so they turned to a local jeweler.
The jeweler indicated that the shiny stone was a diamond and revealed that it was a 4 carat gemstone.
The amazed woman couldn’t think she could be so lucky.
The mother of six had been walking this path for a year, but she never noticed this glowing stone.
“When I was looking for bundles, I had to look under my feet, and this is what I found,” the woman told the press.
According to the jeweler, the cost of a four-carat diamond is around $25,000. For a village woman, this was a large sum.
And Gina could not only renovate her house, but also expand it.