The copy of her sister what Tina Kunaki’s 22-year-old brother, who also became a model, looks like

Born to a father of Togolese origin and an Italian mother, this famous French model has a captivating beauty. Being a talented model, Tina Kunaki has a splendid appearance and extraordinary prettiness.

The young girl, full of grace, is also known as the wife of the French actor Vincent Cassel. The copy of her sister: what Tina Kunaki’s 22-year-old brother, who also became a model, looks like. She can be compared with any famous star on the podium.

Tina has a sister called Cassie and a brother. Her sister did not choose a career as a model, while her brother Zacharie, 22, decided to become a model like Tina.

The copy of her sister what Tina Kunaki's 22-year-old brother, who also became a model, looks like

It’s so amazing and pleasant when the brother looks incredibly similar to his sister. The copy of her sister: what Tina Kunaki’s 22-year-old brother, who also became a model, looks like

They are not only identical, but their characters also have several common traits. Sister and brother are true friends and never argue.

Since childhood, Zachary was a football player, but due to an injury, as a teenager he gave up his favorite sport.

The copy of her sister what Tina Kunaki's 22-year-old brother, who also became a model, looks like

It was Tina who realized her brother could be a catwalk star and encouraged him to try a career in modeling.

Currently, the young man is starting out in modeling, but according to reviews, he will become an excellent model.

Zachary has already signed a few contracts with famous French brands.

The young man is not yet in a relationship, but he has several admirers. He has become the darling of young girls and they compare his beauty with that of Apollo.

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The copy of her sister what Tina Kunaki’s 22-year-old brother, who also became a model, looks like
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