A married woman knew how crazy her son was about his new girlfriend. He talked about her constantly and they dated for a year before he decided it was time to introduce her to the family.
He praised his girlfriend every time he told his parents about her. She was college educated, had a good job, and was family oriented.
The parents couldn’t be happier that their son found the perfect woman for him. They knew he had never been so in love and thought it would finally be nice to meet her.
The couple went to town one weekend to meet the man’s parents. They planned a dinner at the parents’ house and were looking forward to this meeting.
When the young couple arrived, they rang the doorbell, and the man’s parents greeted them at the front door. The man’s mother was relieved to see that the woman looked exactly like she did in the photos.
As he introduced his girlfriend to his parents, the man smiled brightly. Her parents invited them into the house, and she accepted a hug from the man’s mother and a handshake from the father.
What happened next was something no one could have imagined. The woman decided to say something rude.
She told her son’s girlfriend to leave. Although she wanted to say more, she left it at that.
Her son tried to ask for a second chance, but she was too uncomfortable to try to save the evening from any further disaster. Even her husband supported her and said it might be better if they left.
When they drove away, the mother immediately felt guilty. She knew how much her son was looking forward to their dinner, and she had ruined it because of a joke.
She tried to call her son several times, but he did not answer. They lived in a neighboring state, and she knew it would be difficult to convince them to come home after what had happened.