This is how the twins of extraordinary appearance and specific eyes are after 12 years of their birth. Twin sisters Megan and Morgan shot to world fame when they were four years old. This is how the twins with an extraordinary appearance and specific eyes are after 12 years of their birth
In 2015, their mother, Stephanie, shared photographs of her four-year-old twins on social media. Netizens saw that the dark-skinned, blue-eyed girls resembled their mother who also has a fascinating appearance.
This is how the twins with an extraordinary appearance and specific eyes are after 12 years of their birth
When you look at the images of the identical twins, you notice something extraordinary. Due to heterochromia, a genetic mutation, one of the sisters has one bright blue eye and the other eye is brown which she inherited from her father.
This is how the twins with an extraordinary appearance and specific eyes are after 12 years of their birth
The unexpected combination did not leave the audience indifferent, so Megan and Morgan instantly became stars. Today, more than 800,000 people follow the sisters’ social networks.
This is how the twins with an extraordinary appearance and specific eyes are after 12 years of their birth
Fans do not tire of showering the girls with compliments, noting the divine charm of young 12-year-old beauties. Stephanie notes that her daughters are happy with such public attention.
This is how the twins with an extraordinary appearance and specific eyes are after 12 years of their birth
They are happy to be in front of photographers’ lenses and to participate in publicity photo shoots and video recordings for the blog. As the proud mom is sure, her heiresses will soon conquer the catwalks and become famous models.