Elvis Presley was a man of many contradictions: Elvis Presley had three celebrities he couldn’t stand

Elvis Presley was a man of many contradictions, both in his personal life and his career. He was a musical icon who revolutionized popular music, yet he also spent a decade making forgettable movies.

He was known for his devotion to those he loved, but had a short temper and little patience for those he disliked.

Elvis Presley was a man of many contradictions: Elvis Presley had three celebrities he couldn't stand

He also had public feuds with other celebrities, some of which stemmed from political differences, perceived personal slights, and even petty jealousy.

Here are the stories of three celebrities that Elvis couldn’t stand.

John Lennon

Elvis Presley and John Lennon had similar career paths, rising to fame during the Vietnam War era as two of the most popular music icons.

However, their opinions about the war differed significantly. Lennon strongly opposed the war, while Presley supported it and was a supporter of then-president Lyndon Johnson.

Elvis Presley was a man of many contradictions: Elvis Presley had three celebrities he couldn't stand

When the two finally met in 1965 at Graceland, their contrasting views on the war quickly became apparent, and Elvis was not fond of Lennon’s anti-war position.

Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra was another celebrity that Elvis had a rocky relationship with.

The two were initially friendly, with Sinatra even publicly praising Presley’s talent.

However, things took a turn when Sinatra criticized rock and roll music, calling it “sung, played, and written for the most part by cretinous goons.”

Elvis Presley was a man of many contradictions: Elvis Presley had three celebrities he couldn't stand

Presley was offended by these comments and fired back, calling Sinatra a “big mouth” and refusing to attend his 1960 inaugural ball.

Their feud lasted for several years until they eventually made up in the mid-1960s.

The Beatles

Elvis also had a strained relationship with The Beatles.

The two groups were often compared to each other, with The Beatles being dubbed the “British Invasion” and threatening to dethrone Elvis as the king of rock and roll.

Despite this, Elvis reportedly sent a telegram to The Beatles welcoming them to America and wishing them success.

Elvis Presley was a man of many contradictions: Elvis Presley had three celebrities he couldn't stand

However, the two groups never met in person, and rumors circulated that Elvis had made derogatory comments about The Beatles, calling them “a passing fad.”

Elvis Presley was a complex and multi-faceted individual, with a career and personal life full of contradictions.

While he was known for his musical talent and devotion to his loved ones, he also had a short temper and little patience for those he disliked.

His public feuds with other celebrities, including John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, and The Beatles, were often fueled by political differences, perceived personal slights, and petty jealousy.

Despite these conflicts, Elvis remains a legendary figure in the world of music, and his influence on popular culture will be felt for generations to come.

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Comments: 1
  1. Karen Cooper

    He has always looked like that

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