This little boy has an adorable reaction when he hears someone playing the violin for the first time: it’s so cute.
When you’re little and you don’t know the world yet, everything seems new and exciting.
When this charming little toddler hears a musician playing the violin for the first time, he eagerly starts running towards this girl.
We know that little ones cannot hide their emotions and feelings when they discover something they like.
In this popular video, a talented young musician plays the violin in what appears to be a kindergarten. And one toddler stands out among all the others.
Dressed in an adorable yellow shirt and bow tie, this little cutie quickly runs up to the musician and hugs her leg while she plays for everyone.
The toddler squats right at the feet of the violinist to get a place in the front row.
The young woman begins to smile at the precious moment she is experiencing with this adorable man.
It is clear that adults cannot be as spontaneous as small children and can be insensitive at times like this. It’s a beautiful thing to see someone have that experience.