When we think too much about happiness, it takes us away from this state of mind: this is how it happens

In search of happiness: this is how men around the world spend their entire lives.

But according to psychologist Mike Rucker, there is a mechanism that prevents us from recovering happiness.

Nowadays, people’s schedules are increasingly busy with work commitments, responsibilities and different tasks.

Men feel exhausted and don’t know when happiness might visit them. Wanting to be happy is wonderful, but it’s not always the case.

When we think too much about happiness, it takes us away from this state of mind: this is how it happens

In his book “The Amusing Habit”, Mr. Rucker explains this social phenomenon, presenting an interesting thesis.

According to the scientist, the obsessive search for happiness eliminates this incomparable emotion, because in this case all people’s energies are spent analyzing what they feel: whether they are happy now or not.

The scientist and psychologist writes that instead of enjoying the moments of joy that life offers men, they think about happiness all the time.

Rucker offers a different strategy that he believes is much more effective.

When we think too much about happiness, it takes us away from this state of mind: this is how it happens

The expert says that “pleasure is not profit, but it is an act of self-care. » According to him, pleasure lies in doing more and thinking less about its usefulness.

So, we can find happiness in meditation and reading or in gardening.

Yet, Rucker adds to his theory that while happiness is something perfect, while pleasure or fun can exist with negative feelings, because the world is full of not only joy, but other dramatic feelings as well.

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When we think too much about happiness, it takes us away from this state of mind: this is how it happens
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