The woman weighed 500 kilos, but a very touching event motivated her to change everything

Mayra Lisbeth Rosales weighed 500 kilos. She was morbidly obese and considered the fattest woman in the entire world.

Before, Mayra had no health problems, but over time she gained weight and turned into a big ball of flesh weighing half a ton.

The woman could no longer walk and even lift her body. She couldn’t take a shower or take care of herself.

The woman weighed 500 kilos, but a very touching event motivated her to change everything

It was her husband who took care of her, doing everything possible.

But one day, something incredible happened that forced the woman to change everything.

Mayra’s sister beat her son and the boy suffered serious head injuries and was taken to hospital, but soon after the child died.

The woman weighed 500 kilos, but a very touching event motivated her to change everything

The sister was arrested and sent to prison and Mayra realized that she was the only support for her sister’s children.

In order to get rid of the weight, she had to undergo several surgeries so that she could then continue a weight loss regime.

A large team of doctors and firefighters with a special mechanism removed Mayra from her bed and took her to the hospital.

After 11 surgeries, she managed to cope with her kilos. The condition of his skin and muscles was very serious.

The woman weighed 500 kilos, but a very touching event motivated her to change everything

However, the woman managed to get rid of it and overcome this deplorable situation.

After all these surgeries, Mayra did not give up. She began to work hard, diligently doing exercises authorized by specialists, because she had to take care of her sister’s babies.

Thus, the woman managed to lose 80 percent of her weight which is more than 400 kilos.

Now she weighs 91 kilos and has become a charming woman and feels great.

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The woman weighed 500 kilos, but a very touching event motivated her to change everything
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