Lost her former beauty, Paparazzi showed a rounded Roberts on vacation, redefining beauty in Hollywood

When paparazzi recently photographed 54-year-old actress Julia Roberts, the public could not help but notice her new figure.

While many were outraged by the photos, others commented positively, admiring her appearance and praising her for aging gracefully.

Lost her former beauty, Paparazzi showed a rounded Roberts on vacation, redefining beauty in Hollywood

The truth is, Julia Roberts is not the same as she was during her iconic performance as Vivian Ward in Pretty Woman.

Instead of remaining the Hollywood standard of beauty, she has embraced her new figure and is redefining what it means to be attractive in modern society.

To understand the impact of her transformation, we need to look back at beauty standards in Hollywood over the last few decades.

Lost her former beauty, Paparazzi showed a rounded Roberts on vacation, redefining beauty in Hollywood

In the past, beauty ideals were associated with thinness. Women were expected to maintain a certain weight and measurements, and to look a certain way in order to be considered attractive.

This social pressure often resulted in health problems, as many women would resort to unhealthy methods in order to remain thin.

The emergence of Julia Roberts as an alternative to this traditional image of beauty has been refreshing for many.

Lost her former beauty, Paparazzi showed a rounded Roberts on vacation, redefining beauty in Hollywood

Her curves, which were once seen as a flaw, are now celebrated, and her body has become a symbol of beauty for women of all shapes and sizes.

In addition to her physical transformation, Julia Roberts has also changed the way that beauty is perceived in the media.

She is often seen with no makeup and her hair left natural. This challenges the idea that beauty must be achieved through unnatural means, such as cosmetics or going under the knife.

It also further encourages self-love and body acceptance.

Lost her former beauty, Paparazzi showed a rounded Roberts on vacation, redefining beauty in Hollywood

By embracing her new figure and redefining beauty in Hollywood, Julia Roberts has become an inspiration to many.

She is a reminder that beauty has no age limit and comes in all shapes and sizes. We should take her example and learn to appreciate and accept ourselves for who we are.

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Lost her former beauty, Paparazzi showed a rounded Roberts on vacation, redefining beauty in Hollywood
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