Does anyone know what this strange egg-shaped object with a handle is for?

😲Does anyone know what this strange egg-shaped object with a handle is for?👇

😉At first glance, this item looks like something decorative: an unusual shape, an elegant handle that seems to come straight from an antique collection. 🤗But despite its refined appearance, it turns out that this tool has a very practical use.👇

Does anyone know what this strange egg-shaped object with a handle is for?

It’s an old device for darning socks! Yes, socks. Back in the day, when clothing was much more valued than it is today, throwing things away because of a small hole was considered wasteful. People repaired their clothes to extend their lifespan.

This egg-shaped device, usually wooden, was placed inside a sock so the fabric could be stretched and darning would be easier. Its shape helped recreate the fabric’s curves, and its smooth surface prevented snags and tears.

Does anyone know what this strange egg-shaped object with a handle is for?

Nowadays, such items are usually found in grandmothers’ homes or sold at flea markets. For some, it’s nostalgic, while for others, it’s a useful tool, especially for fans of DIY clothing repair.

So, if you happen to have one lying around, don’t throw it away. Who knows? Maybe one day it will return to fashion as an eco-friendly and economical way to care for clothes.

Does anyone know what this strange egg-shaped object with a handle is for?

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Does anyone know what this strange egg-shaped object with a handle is for?
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