🫣It is recommended to leave the bathroom light on at night, while travelling overseas and staying at a hotel. 😱🤭
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Among the other advantages, the shadowy lighted environment can help those who are uncomfortable sleeping in odd situating, trying to overcome the stress.
Then it will be visible during different situations, such as fire.
Or when the holiday is short, you do not want to arrange the clothes of the bags in the closet, leaving them on the floor, the light can help you do not attach it during the night.
Mainly, when someone unfamiliar comes to your room, they will know that ite owner was awake.
Different people have different opinions about this situation.
Some of them consider it convenient to sleep under the light on, but for others it is disturbing to sleep under it.
Leaving the bathroom light on can be very gentle light during the night, while turning on the living-room’s light can disturb the calm sleep.
People mainly turn on the light during the night when the place is unfamiliar, for their calmness they prefer to turn on the light.
Which one do you prefer?