Young couple noticed how a man threw his bag away and they picked it up

There are many cases when people abandon their pets. Such a situation happened recently in Paraguay.

One spring day, this couple decided to ride their bicycles, choosing for this a road with fairly quiet car traffic. While walking, they noticed a car, which braked for a while at the side of the road, and a backpack flew out of its window.

After that, the car drove away immediately.

Young couple noticed how a man threw his bag away and they picked it up

The couple decided to check the bag to see what was in there. They were extremely surprised by the find – inside the backpack, there was a white puppy, wrapped in a bag. The abandoned baby, as soon as he saw people, immediately ran to them.

The couple checked the puppy for damage, but the dog was active and completely healthy.

Young couple noticed how a man threw his bag away and they picked it up

Young people did not know what to do and decided to keep the dog for themselves. Pablo, that is the name of the man, said that this tiny creature does not deserve what they did to him. Now the baby is happy and lives with the married couple.

Young couple noticed how a man threw his bag away and they picked it up

He was given the nickname Lorenzo. The couple still cannot understand how it was possible to act so cruelly with a living being.

It’s good that the story ended that way, and the puppy found a new home. Don’t leave your pets! They really need our love and protection.

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Young couple noticed how a man threw his bag away and they picked it up
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