Volunteers rescued the dog that almost forgot what eating and walking is

Among the owners of dogs, there are those whom it is difficult to call people! How else to treat someone as a person who kept his dog in an iron cage, fed from time to time.

And did he clean up this cage from sometimes? Of course, the answer is no.

Volunteers rescued the dog that almost forgot what eating and walking is

Moreover, he did not let the animal walk. It was from such a person that the volunteers took an extremely emaciated dog, and now it will go through a long rehabilitation. The police opened a criminal case against the cruel owner.

Volunteers rescued the dog that almost forgot what eating and walking is

Lizzie (this is the name of this dog) now glows with happiness after every walk that the shelter staff takes her. But at first, she was frightened of the spaciousness, and she almost could not walk, and in her behavior, a strong tightness was clearly visible.

Volunteers rescued the dog that almost forgot what eating and walking is

But now she is in contact with people all the time, making sure that there can be a completely different attitude towards her than before in the cage! Lizzie can hardly move on her own, so now she receives a relaxing massage from veterinarians every day.

Our precious girl Lizzie, we are so glad that kind people found you! We love you and wish you good health!

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Volunteers rescued the dog that almost forgot what eating and walking is
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