In Leopard Park, for the first time, they noticed how a female shares the territory with an already matured daughter without any conflicts. This is not typical behavior for single cats.
The Eastern leopard is considered a solitary animal that comes into contact with other individuals only for reproduction. Cubs can be with their mother for 13-14 months, but then they become completely independent and leave her.
Recently, in the park of the Leopard National Park, unusual behavior of adult predators was recorded, contrary to previous observations – two adult females live in the same area: a mother and a daughter, that also already managed to bring offspring.
The friendly leopards were spotted using a camera trap: first, an adult female appeared in the lens, and two minutes later – another, younger one.
There is no doubt that both predators know about the territorial proximity of each other and, therefore, coexist peacefully and even intentionally.
Cases of interaction between adult female Eastern leopards were recorded only in the 1970s and 1980s.
Biologists noticed two mothers who learned to take advantage of the proximity to each other: while one female stayed with the kittens, the other hunted and then led the entire group to prey.
These connections probably formed the basis of their mutual assistance.
Observations of Umka and her daughter made it possible to confirm this theory.