Two parrots decided to wake up their owner and didn’t agree to leave her bed

Parrots are truly unique and amazing birds that you simply cannot help but love. They are quite smart and intelligent, especially appreciated because parrots can copy a wide variety of sounds.

People have long kept these birds as pets and experience the best emotions from this. After all, you cannot only admire parrots, you can even talk to them and laugh heartily.

Two parrots decided to wake up their owner and didn't agree to leave her bed

These creatures also fall in love with people and perceive them as their good friends.

Parrots are easy enough to keep at home, but there are some peculiarities that depend on the type of bird. Sometimes people face difficulties, because of which they have to give up such a pet.

Parrots are friendly and peaceful. And this already popular video will prove it once again! In it, you can watch how two parrots came to their owner in the morning in order to wake him up.

Two parrots decided to wake up their owner and didn't agree to leave her bed

They clung to the girl and in every way begged to her under a warm blanket. These incredible birds showed affection, tenderness and love to their person. It looked very cute and funny!

This video has already received more than 10 million views. Perhaps some people who watched it wanted to have such an adorable pet!

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Two parrots decided to wake up their owner and didn’t agree to leave her bed
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