This pup attempts to guard his kid friend – eventually he fails and puts his adorable head on him

The fact that dogs are true friends of people has already been proven numerous times.

These faithful domestic animals help us in all our everyday affairs: they protect our house, help to nurture our children, protect us from danger, and for someone they become the only meaning of life.

Especially for small children. They patiently endure all the orders of young robbers, protect and defend them from danger, as if they are their own babies.

This pup attempts to guard his kid friend - eventually he fails and puts his adorable head on him

The warmth that these animals show to children cannot be described in words – it must be seen!

These were the feelings that this little puppy displayed as he tried his best to keep his tiny master calmly asleep.

But this was not easy for him.

This pup attempts to guard his kid friend - eventually he fails and puts his adorable head on him

The video with these two babies has won the hearts of 87 million users around the world!

In the video, you can see how the pup attempts to stay awake and guard his friends. Eventually, the cutest doggie couldn’t resist and he also joins the sweet sleep of his friend.

The sweet pup puts his head on his baby friend and wants to sleep.

This pup attempts to guard his kid friend - eventually he fails and puts his adorable head on him

It’s not even important that he can’t succeed in his duty, it’s more significant how caring and loving the pup is.

We hope you will enjoy the video and receive warmth from this adorable puppy.

Happy viewing!

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This pup attempts to guard his kid friend – eventually he fails and puts his adorable head on him
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