These people put down their works to save the dog the legs of which were injured

Tarako National Park is a popular destination in Taiwan that is highly sought after by tourists.

Once there was an incident that could have ended in tragedy. An inhabitant of the hotel decided to take a walk in the park and accidentally came across a terrible picture.

In front of her was a makeshift stove made of an iron barrel with a dog inside. She was exhausted, her front legs were bloody. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that one of the paws was gone at all.

These people put down their works to save the dog the legs of which were injured

The locals managed to find out that the poor animal was the victim of one of the traps that were placed throughout the park.

When a woman came closer – the dog was not aggressive, on the contrary, showed affection. Offhand, he was no more than 1 year old.

On the advice of locals, she turned to Sean McCormack, who was engaged in animal treatment. The woman wrote him a message, where she briefly told about what had happened and attached a photograph of the poor dog.

These people put down their works to save the dog the legs of which were injured

As soon as Sean saw the letter, he wasted no time in going to the rescue.

When the man made his way to the hotel on the map, he found that there was no direct road. To reach his destination, he had to overcome the mountains.

Sean quickly became friends with the dog and endeared him to him.

It was a boy. The guys immediately gave him a name – Sandy. His wound was treated and his paws were bandaged.

These people put down their works to save the dog the legs of which were injured


Sean immediately took the dog to the vet. The doctor advised that one of the legs should be amputated, but fortunately, there is an option for a small prosthesis.

Many people learned about this story. While the dog was being treated, Sean received many messages from caring people who expressed their hope for a speedy recovery of the animal, and many of them were ready to accept Sandy into their family.

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These people put down their works to save the dog the legs of which were injured
Pallas’s kitten, born in a railway carriage, was adopted by people, and he grew up in a human family