The kitten got tired of being homeless, so she followed the big domestic cat

Alice McCall’s family once noticed a stray cat in the vicinity of their home and began to leave her food and water, in the expectation that she would appear again. And so it happened.

Moreover, the cat brought two kittens with her. Then McCall turned to the animal protection organization. And then the fluffy tramps disappeared again!

The kitten got tired of being homeless, so she followed the big domestic cat

However, one little kitten was left. It was a girl. She came to the house alone, but her mother and the second kitten never returned.

And one day Alice’s domestic cat went out to soak up the sun, and then the vagabond kitten, which had already completely settled down in the backyard of this house, plucked up courage and hesitantly approached the feline patriarch.

The kitten got tired of being homeless, so she followed the big domestic cat

And when she approached, she stuck to the cat and began to accompany him everywhere literally on his heels.

Well, Otley was not at all embarrassed by the baby’s obsession, and he moved into the house, accompanied by a small white (albeit dirty) shadow.

And Alice, seeing such a touching affection, immediately made a choice: the baby will live in this house with Otley!

The kitten got tired of being homeless, so she followed the big domestic cat

The baby was named Bird, washed, combed and hugged – and saw that the kitten is very cute!

And since there is an older cat at home, he may well teach the Bird all sorts of feline wisdom!

And Otley had a white protege tail following him everywhere.

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The kitten got tired of being homeless, so she followed the big domestic cat
Dog howled in a parking lot waiting for her owners more than a week