The homeless man gave his dog to a shelter, and then he was able to return it back

The Tampa Bay Humanitarian Society is committed to caring for stray and homeless animals. This is where the story of a dog named Dakota happened.

The fact is that its owner lost his job and home overnight. The dog had nowhere to live, but she could not drive it out into the street. It was a very difficult decision to get separated from the dog that was like a family to the guy.

The homeless man gave his dog to a shelter, and then he was able to return it back

But the love he had for the animal, made him to do the best for the pet.

The man gave the dog to the Tampa Bay shelter, knowing that there she would receive at least some shelter and food. The man wandered the streets and experienced all the hardships of a homeless life.

The homeless man gave his dog to a shelter, and then he was able to return it back

But because he found a new job, and with it housing, so he immediately called the shelter and came for his favorite. What an emotional meeting it was!

Shelter workers shared this story on social media. This story was followed by thousands of people, and they also experienced incredible emotions. People congratulated the man for the success he achieved and rejoined his friend.

The homeless man gave his dog to a shelter, and then he was able to return it back

This man was really lucky to have the second chance to reunite with his pet. We wish him and his dog a long and happy life together. Let no obstacle be a reason of separation in their lives.

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The homeless man gave his dog to a shelter, and then he was able to return it back
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