The abandoned kitten amazed everyone with its unique appearance and was accepted in a new family

In mid-March this year, the Cat Rescue Center in Nashville, Tennessee, received another batch of abandoned kittens.

Two newborn babies were found by a couple. The woman, in turn, met the kittens on the territory of the newly acquired house, which was planned to be rebuilt.

An employee of the orphanage named Kiki took care of the two babies. It was not the first time she nursed kittens and knew perfectly well what to do. Therefore, Kiki began to look for nurses for the newborns.

The abandoned kitten amazed everyone with its unique appearance and was accepted in a new family

Fortunately, two cats from the center, Pickle and Olive, have recently given birth to kittens.

But even in this confusion, Kiki realized that her new charges were completely unusual. More precisely, one of them. The baby, that was named Apricot, had a muzzle perfectly divided into two parts by color.

The abandoned kitten amazed everyone with its unique appearance and was accepted in a new family

One half turned out to be black, and the other had a reddish color, hence the beautiful name.

This rare natural phenomenon is called chimerism. Scientists explain that this happens when a kitten appears from two merged eggs with a different set of genes.

The abandoned kitten amazed everyone with its unique appearance and was accepted in a new family

However, the unique appearance does not scare off other cats from Apricot at all. He and his brother Krendelk, quite an ordinary gray kitten, were quickly adopted by both foster mothers.

And the story of the baby’s life, which the Nashville Cat Rescue Center posted on Instagram, attracted hundreds of potential owners.

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The abandoned kitten amazed everyone with its unique appearance and was accepted in a new family
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