Stray puppy living in an old shoe gets rescued and adopted thanks to the kind people

It’s always heartbreaking to see how some animals struggle for life. They are stray cats, dogs and other animals. But when the poor thing is a little puppy, it makes us even more sorrowful.

This time Goran Marinkovic from Serbia found a tiny puppy living in a shoe. Actually, this man is a hero. Since now he has saved over 100 strays. Every time he does kind deeds without any benefit. On the contrary, he pays from his own pocket.

Stray puppy living in an old shoe gets rescued and adopted thanks to the kind people

This time he rescued a dog puppy that was starving and shivering outside. She had no siblings and mom, so Goran decided to take care of the pup.

He shared his own food with the stray doggie and took her home. Then, the kind man shared the story of the pup that he called Coco.

Stray puppy living in an old shoe gets rescued and adopted thanks to the kind people

People were impressed by the story of Coco and many registered to adopt her.

The story ended up for Coco as good as possible. She was adopted by a German family. The caring parents still are in contact with Goran and constantly send him Coco’s photos.

It’s obvious that the once stray and abandoned puppy now is the most beautiful and happiest girl that enjoys life!

Stray puppy living in an old shoe gets rescued and adopted thanks to the kind people

Thanks to people like Goran many other stray animals find their owners too.

Goran keeps on his kind work, helping more strays find forever home!

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Stray puppy living in an old shoe gets rescued and adopted thanks to the kind people
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