Sleepy koala struggles to stay awake while her handler gives the animal cuddles and massages

At the end of the day after hard work, all you need is sleeping. When you are exhausted it’s hard to stay awake. Animals also aren’t exceptions especially koalas, when they are known as the sleepiest animals known on the planet.

These cute and slow-paced creatures are awake for 2-6 hours. Most of the day spend sleeping. Yes, they can sleep for a very long time hanging on trees.

Sleepy koala struggles to stay awake while her handler gives the animal cuddles and massages

This story about the koala named Elsa will make your day. When her handler was doing the usual massage on her cheeks and belly, the fluffy animal was struggling to stay awake.

It’s obvious that the koala was enjoying the belly rubs and trying not to sleep. But all in vain, because as a koala, she adores sleeping.

Elsa almost every day has special treatment from the zookeepers. She loves being cuddled and massaged. When she was a baby, she needed special care because Elsa’s mother couldn’t produce milk.

Sleepy koala struggles to stay awake while her handler gives the animal cuddles and massages

Her caretaker had the baby at home when she needed full daycare. 4 years old daughter of the handler named the koala Elsa. Afterward, another koala joined Elsa that was named Anna after the famous character in a Disney cartoon.

Elsa also has another friend – a wombat named Hope. They are best friends as during Covid-19 they have been sharing the same enclosure.

Sleepy koala struggles to stay awake while her handler gives the animal cuddles and massages

The cutest ball is now two years old. It doesn’t stop her to act like a child and beg for massages from her handler!

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Sleepy koala struggles to stay awake while her handler gives the animal cuddles and massages
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