Shy cheetahs are getting sociable after the zoos give them their own emotional “support dogs”

It’s unbelievable and not expected from the fastest animals on the planet, the dangerous predators to be sensitive. However, this is the essence of cheetahs.

These animals may be so anxious and distressed that they can’t socialize and procreate. This is the reason why they need help.

There is an unexpected but perfect solution to their solitude and anxiety.

Shy cheetahs are getting sociable after the zoos give them their own emotional “support dogs”

Specialists did several studies on their behavior and concluded that these creatures need additional assistance. That’s why now zookeepers introduce to them emotional support dogs.

Dogs are known for their friendliness, love and care. This is why they are chosen as supportive friends for cheetahs.

It’s so good to see how one species helps another species to survive. It turns out that African animals are shy. So making a friend with a dominant dog makes a huge impact on them.

Shy cheetahs are getting sociable after the zoos give them their own emotional “support dogs”

Of course, this method works for only dog and cheetah cubs that don’t perceive each other as enemies. In this case, cheetah cubs follow all the manners of their supportive dog and learn to model the dog’s behavior.

This is how cheetahs become more confident and willing to get it on.

Shy cheetahs are getting sociable after the zoos give them their own emotional “support dogs”

This brilliant idea works for all the cheetahs. Specialists use Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds as emotional support dogs. They go along with cheetah cubs very well and become best friends.

Again and again, thanks to the scientists and their fantastic ideas animals overcome their challenges.

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Shy cheetahs are getting sociable after the zoos give them their own emotional “support dogs”
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