You never know where your little ball of love and tenderness is waiting for you, inside of which warmth lives … Very often people go to shelters to adopt a pet. But sometimes animals themselves choose us like this cat.
The sun was still on the horizon when, while patrolling the streets, a kitten jumped into Officer Butler’s car.
The kitten was not one of the shy ones, so he immediately rubbed his muzzle against the policeman’s face. Convinced that this is the right person, the baby demanded stroking and scratching. The baby was feeling absolutely comfortable and safe.
Having received a portion of affection, the baby lay down on the officer’s knees and looked into the man’s eyes, as if saying: “Now you are my man!”
The officer could not refuse this baby, so he gladly agreed to keep the baby with him.
Now the baby has grown a little and got stronger. But he still loves to sleep on his beloved person with a big and kind heart.
You never know where your bundle of love and tenderness awaits you… Thanks to the nature of this cat and the kindness of the man we are witnessing such a sweet story.