Saul is an angry-looking cat who was roaming the streets until he finally got noticed

Meet Saul, a sullen cat who was found on the streets of London, wandering in pain and in dire need of help. When a passer-by noticed him, the cat was in a very deplorable state.

The man immediately contacted an animal protection organization. They sent a volunteer to save the poor cat and take him to a veterinary clinic.

Saul is an angry-looking cat who was roaming the streets until he finally got noticed

This is Saul, and believe me, he has every reason to have such an angry face.

He was discovered by a caring passer-by on the streets of London, where the cat was wandering around in dire need of help. The poor animal was dehydrated and out of strength.

Saul is an angry-looking cat who was roaming the streets until he finally got noticed

Despite the fact that Saul looks angry and gloomy, he is very sweet and friendly.

“The cat is recovering rapidly and we think that in the near future Saul will be able to move to our cattery to find a new home.”

Saul is an angry-looking cat who was roaming the streets until he finally got noticed

The staff at the veterinary clinic aren’t sure if Saul’s angry expression is related to his past injuries, it’s likely he was just born that way.

Anyway, he looks cute, and hopefully, this adorable cat will soon find a forever home. Saul is a sweetheart with the kindest heart and unforgettable personality.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Saul is an angry-looking cat who was roaming the streets until he finally got noticed
Cat could not live without her owner and she was constantly discouraged until the man decided to take her to his workplace