In the world of animals, there are various kinds of living creatures. Animals are not different only in their species but also in behavior. Some are brave, cunning, smart, cowardly, etc. It is known so, that rabbits are cowardly creatures.
They can feel the danger and instantly run away, hiding as well as possible.
Of course, rabbits are cute paws, yet cowardly pussies that can only gnaw carrots and pose for Instagram. It is what we know.
But this story will change your mind about these cutie pies. You will be surprised to know how brave rabbits can be, especially mother rabbits!
They become fierce defenders when their offspring are in danger.
So the snake, having decided to bite the rabbit’s babies, clearly got excited …
She decided that she was about to feast on. It even managed to wrap one of the rabbits with rings of her body.
But then the mother-rabbit returned. Poor snake! You can even feel sorry for her such beating … but there is no need to go to the newborns, they are not orphans!
Watch this video that will prove to you once again what can do the power of maternity! Bravo, this mum is so good at protecting her babies!
She really got that snake I would of killed the dam thing I hate snakes.