Playful humpback whale gives an unforgettable experience approaching the diver out of curiosity

Not everyone has the guts and luck to meet a humpback whale. Recently, a woman has got so lucky to be near a fantastic marine creature!

These mammals are absolutely magical but it’s hardly possible to approach them. However, there is a place on the earth where people can swim in the same area with these animals.

Every year numerous humpback whales swim to Tonga to give birth. In fact, they have been having babies in that area for thousands of years.

Playful humpback whale gives an unforgettable experience approaching the diver out of curiosity

At Polynesian islands water streams are peaceful and there are no predators to threaten the newborn whales’ lives. So this is a preferred place for many future mamma whales to give birth!

And even though this is the only place that people can see the giant mammals, there are still some strict rules as being not able to approach the big whales.

Playful humpback whale gives an unforgettable experience approaching the diver out of curiosity

But what happened in this story, won’t leave you bored. An adorable moment was caught on a camera, according to which it is clearly seen how a giant humpback approaches a very lucky woman.

The diver was swimming close to the surface of the water when a friendly fish approached her.

The whale actually had the kindest intentions in her mind. She was expecting her human guest to do belly rubs as she rolls on her back several times.

Playful humpback whale gives an unforgettable experience approaching the diver out of curiosity

Obviously, the woman won’t ever forget this unlikely encounter with the humpback whale as she screamed out of excitement already on the surface of the sea!

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Playful humpback whale gives an unforgettable experience approaching the diver out of curiosity
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