Newborn two endangered golden lion tamarin twins are welcomed at the Atlanta Zoo

In the world of animals, there are so many species that are under the threat of extinction. We, humans, should be more interested in these creatures and help them survive.

One of those endangered species is the golden lion tamarin. These wonderful animals have a very soft coat similar to golden in color.

Newborn two endangered golden lion tamarin twins are welcomed at the Atlanta Zoo

Unfortunately, only 2% are found in their natural places of living – the Atlantic coasts of Brazil.

To help them breed some of the golden lion tamarins have been raised in zoos. Of course, it’s not the best decision to keep them in enclosures, but at least for now, it’s important for their population.

Newborn two endangered golden lion tamarin twins are welcomed at the Atlanta Zoo

Recently, Atlanta Zoo reported about the birth of two golden lion tamarin twins. It was a big celebration for the wildlife protectors.

The names of the siblings are Blixx and Tiete. They are doing great and raising as healthy babies.

It was in 1970 when these species were almost at the edge of extinction. Gladly, in the 1990s and 2000s thanks to a breeding program, they have started to be raised in zoos.

Newborn two endangered golden lion tamarin twins are welcomed at the Atlanta Zoo

The number of tamarins reached 3000. Unfortunately, now they are again endangered but specialists do everything possible to keep their population stable.

That’s why the Atlanta Zoo is so happy about the new addition!

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Newborn two endangered golden lion tamarin twins are welcomed at the Atlanta Zoo
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