Moscow Zoo is seriously prepared to celebrate the birthdays of two pandas

Over the weekend, the Moscow Zoo celebrated a joyful event – even 2! The favorites of visitors and keepers, pandas Ding-Ding and Ruyi, have their birthdays.

Celebrated traditionally on July 31 – Ruyi’s birthday, although Ding-Ding became the birthday girl a day earlier. She was four years old, and the brave Zhui – as much as five!

Moscow Zoo is seriously prepared to celebrate the birthdays of two pandas

They are already on the threshold of adulthood, although they remain the same: one is a modest, cunning and willful clever girl, and the other is a straightforward, brave and cheerful explorer.

Each panda’s birthday at the zoo is a whole event for which the keepers begin to prepare a few weeks before the holiday or even earlier – they come up with layouts and ingredients for the cakes and decide how unusual they can please the bears.

Moscow Zoo is seriously prepared to celebrate the birthdays of two pandas

This time, they made two cardboard cakes for the birthday people, decorated with vegetables, fruits and bamboo, as well as two personal surprises for each panda.

Male Ruyi got a large pool filled not only with the usual delicacies but also with delicious ice – multi-colored cones tinted with food dyes. And for Ding-Ding, they made a huge “cocktail glass” with interesting umbrellas.

Moscow Zoo is seriously prepared to celebrate the birthdays of two pandas

Pandas, contrary to popular stereotypes, are very active animals. As specialists say, pandas need a lot of payloads – physical and intellectual.

If these creatures don’t have it, they start to get bored. To prevent this from happening, our specialists regularly conduct training with Ding-Ding and Ruyi give pandas a lot of intricate toys and objects for study.

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Moscow Zoo is seriously prepared to celebrate the birthdays of two pandas
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